
This website is purely informational, but it also compensates the hard work of writers and developers by using different sources of income from either advertising or marketing of products.

Remember to read our specific rules and disclaimer information for every type of data that you will find on this website to have a better understanding of our work.

Amazon Affiliate Marketing

Recliner Home participates in the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. This website advertises products from Amazon in exchange for advertising fees that are paid each time a reader or customer buys one of the selected products.

Most of the content in this website comes directly from Amazon.com and its subpages. The content inside Amazon webpage is subject to change or removal at any point in time from the moment it is published without any prior notice.

Amazon, the Amazon Logo, the products, affiliates, and trademarks all belong to Amazon.com Inc.

E-Commerce & Affiliate Links

In Recliner Home, we advertise products of different brands and partners. While searching in the website, understand that most of the research, the reviews, and the informative content are entirely original and honest.

Remember, however, that we have contributors and writers who receive compensation from writing or advertising affiliate content.

In addition, every third-party brand, affiliate marketing program, or links are all used to give Recliner Home a way to compensate for the arduous work of creating useful content that readers can get the best from.

This compensation comes from purchases and visits from visitors and customers on the website. We identify all of the marketing and affiliate content accordingly, so our readers know before taking any action.


To help maintain the website, in Recliner Home, you may also find advertisement from different third-party brands and affiliate programs. However, all the content is entirely original and with the sole purpose of helping readers understand the products we review.

Our original content separates the advertisement from the original content in the following way:

  • Every advertised or sponsored content piece in Recliner Home is distinguished from the rest of the informational content. All the advertisement is the sole responsibility of the advertiser or sponsor. We are not responsible for any improper media/material in the ads.

Our content is not influenced or focused on the advertisements. All the data provided by Recliner Home is purely informational following strict editorial rules. Any piece of content identified as an “Ad,” “Sponsored,” or “Advertisement” doesn’t follow the same editorial regulations and influence.

Media Content

In Recliner Home, you will only find reviews, informative articles, and guides to help create a more straightforward and enjoyable buying experience. Any video, image, photo, or even brand name belongs to their respective company or creator.

  • We are not responsible for any change in media content that does not belong to Recliner Home.
  • We are not responsible for any improper use of our original content outside the webpage.

We care about your opinion, so we deliver the most transparent service possible. We hope this disclaimer makes you more confident about our work, how we maintain this website, and why. Thank you for reading.